YCS will operate on a 2-hour delay today, Tuesday, December 3. YEC students will report to homeroom at 10:20. Please see the inclement weather information page on our website for more details
3 months ago, YEC
Parents still need to order pictures? The NEW Code Lookup Tool is now available. Parents can simply scan the QR code and follow the directions to access their child's picture ordering gallery. No need to contact Customer Service for an access code! Student last name and Student ID number will be required for data security. If you have questions about the Code Lookup or are having difficulty navigating the site, you can still reach out to the Strawbridge Customer Service team via the Live Chat on our website, www.strawbridge.net.
4 months ago, YEC
Thank you to the Yadkin County Education Foundation and the Shallowford Foundation for the grant to fund materials and supplies for our Applications of Engineering Technologies program. Friday morning, members of the YCEF board of directors presented a check to YEC staff.
4 months ago, YEC
YCEF Grant Presentation
4 months ago, YEC
Yadkin Early College FCA is heading up a Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief Drive for people who are so desperately in need of help in our western communities. No donation is too small. Please bring any of the following items to Mrs. Williams’ room any day this week & we will make sure they get to those in need: gallon waters, bottled water, trash bags, batteries, shelf stable food items, soap, can openers, baby diapers, baby formula, flashlights, paper plates, plasticware.
5 months ago, YEC
Relief drive
Surry Community College will be closed on Monday, September 30 due to ongoing power outages. However, the Yadkin Center will be open for Yadkin Early College high school classes on Monday. YEC will operate on their normal schedule and students will attend high school classes only
5 months ago, YEC
Due to the forecast of inclement weather, Yadkin Early College and Surry Community College will be closed on Friday, September 27. There will be no classes or activities. Have a safe weekend.
5 months ago, YEC
YEC Picture Day, October 25, 2024 9-12 grade students will have their annual school picture day on the morning of October 25. Please see our website for pricing information.
6 months ago, YEC
Picture Day
Message sent May 23, 2024: Return of School Items: Good evening. This is a short reminder for students and parents of Yadkin Early College. If any student has a school issued Chromebook (with charger), textbook, calculator or other school issued device, those need to be returned to school ASAP. We still have several Chromebooks and chargers that have not been returned. Students who do not return the Chromebook they were issued will be charged a replacement cost for the device as stated in the lease agreement. Please get those turned in no later than Wednesday, May 29 at 10:00 am. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
9 months ago, Chris Lyon
Message sent May 17, 2024: End of Year Information: Good evening. I hope this message finds everyone doing well and ready for the end of another school year. I won't take much of your time but I do have some information to share with you regarding the end of the year and even an item or two that pertains to our students who just graduated. First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped make this year successful at Yadkin Early College. I appreciate our school community of students, staff, and parents who all contribute to the success our students have. Also, a big congratulations to our graduating class of 2024 who showed us a new level of achievement and what you can accomplish through hard work and perseverance. Now a few notes for the end of the year. First, students should know what exams they are required to take next week. Teacher made exams are on Monday, May 20. These will be during their regular class time that day. Our English 2 EOC exam will be on Tuesday, May 21 starting at 8:20 for our freshmen. Please make sure students are on time and ready to take their exam each day. Students should also turn in any school issued devices such as Chromebooks with chargers, calculators and other items, as well as textbooks prior to leaving for the summer. Students also need to pay any outstanding lunch balances . This can be done using cash or check prior to May 24. You can also use the LINQ Connect Payment Portal on the YCS School Nutrition webpage to pay your balance up until June 12. For graduating students who have money remaining on their lunch account, there will be a message going out from the school nutrition department about how you can recover the balance or donate it to the school. I hope each of you have a wonderful and safe summer. The first day for students next year will be August 14 for high school and August 15 for college. Please check our website and social media sites for dates and times of open house and other start of school announcements. But only after you have taken a little break to end this year.
9 months ago, YEC
April Update Message sent 4/18/24 Good evening Yadkin Early College parents and students. I have just a few announcements to make sure everyone is up to date. First, tomorrow, Friday, April 19 is an IE day. There will be no high school classes. College classes will operate on a normal schedule. The dodgeball tournament that was scheduled for Saturday has been cancelled due to a lack of teams. They said they would try to put this together next year and hopefully we will have enough participation. For our graduating students. The bus will be leaving at 8:00 am tomorrow morning for the Carowinds trip. Make sure you are here prior to that to get your seat on the bus. Also, graduating students who have not picked up their tickets for graduation need to do so ASAP. Due to the number of students graduating and the limited seating at the church, guests will need a ticket to get in this year. Please pick up your tickets if you have not already done so. Also, if you have extra tickets that you will not be using, please bring those back to Mr. Lyon so he can redistribute those to students who need extra tickets. Please do not hold onto tickets that you do not intend to use. Finally, I want to make sure everyone keeps an eye on the calendar as our school year is quickly coming to an end. There are only 5 more weeks of school and the final week of May 20-24 will be exams. So only 4 more weeks of classes. The college year ends even sooner. College classes end on May 10. So students make sure you are keeping up in your classes and completing any work you may be behind on because time is running out. As always, you can find these and other announcements on our website and social media accounts. I hope each of you have a wonderful evening and an enjoyable and safe weekend.
11 months ago, Chris Lyon
YEC students competed in volleyball today against other area early colleges. Our teams played and represented our school well. Thank you to Mrs. Cave, Valerie King and the Yadkin YMCA for working with our students so they could participate.
11 months ago, Chris Lyon
Volleyball teams
CHECK MATE! Congratulations to Isaac Henderson who won the chess tournament at the early college competition this morning. Also, Nathaniel Goodrich placed third in the competition. We are proud of both students for a job well done.
11 months ago, Chris Lyon
Chess Tournament
Chess Tournament
Chess Tournament
Chess Tournament
Message sent March 26, 2024 Spring Break and Upcoming Events Good evening students and parents. I have a few very important announcements about our upcoming schedule and some upcoming events. This Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29, there will be no college classes in observance of Easter. However, this Thursday, high school classes will still operate on their regular schedule. This Friday, Yadkin County Schools will also be closed for Easter. Also, next week, April 1-5, will be spring break for Yadkin County Schools. There will be no high school classes all next week but college classes will operate on their normal schedule since their spring break was earlier in the month of March. Buses will not operate next week so students who ride a bus and attend college classes will have to find transportation to class or contact their instructor and inform them that they do not have transportation due to Yadkin County Schools being on spring break. The instructors will notify students of what work they need to complete during that time. On Saturday, April 6, Yadkin Early College students will compete in volleyball and chess against other early colleges in the area. The competitions will begin at 9:00 am that Saturday morning. Students who are competing are asked to be there no later than 8:40 that morning. Looking further ahead in April, we will have a trip for our graduating students on April 19 and a dodgeball tournament at North Iredell High School on April 20. Students need to sign up their teams if they have not already done so for this event. The school year is quickly coming to an end and summer break is just around the corner. I hope each of you have a wonderful evening, a blessed Easter weekend and an enjoyable spring break next week.
11 months ago, Chris Lyon
Spring Break
Yadkin Early College student wins NC Area 2 Soil and Water Contest. See the post here. https://sites.google.com/view/yadkinswcd/education-contests
12 months ago, Chris Lyon
YC Soil and Water
PARENT NIGHT FOR RISING SENIORS Thursday, March 21, there will be a parent meeting for rising seniors and their parents at 5:30 upstairs in A building. We will be discussing what's ahead for these students as they transition to all college level courses. We hope to see you here.
12 months ago, Chris Lyon
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Blake Johnson. He was voted by his peers as the Yadkin Early College Teacher of the Year. Thank you for all you do Mr. Johnson.
about 1 year ago, Chris Lyon
YEC Teacher of the Year
YEC Teacher of the Year
Yadkin Early College National Honor Society is kicking off their March of Dimes fundraiser. Please help us raise funds to help babies and expectant mothers. https://www.marchforbabies.org/cavewoman22
about 1 year ago, Chris Lyon
March of Dimes