Application/How to Apply
Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year. OPEN: January 8, 2025 DUE: February 28, 2025
Any 8th grade student who resides in Yadkin County may fill out an application to attend YECHS. You may access the applications from this page or the guidance counselors at each middle school will have applications. You may also contact us at (336)386-3579. For more information about Yadkin Early College, click here, or check out our full website.
After completing the application, either turn the paper application in to your middle school counselor or inform them that you have completed the online application. The counselor will complete an academic scoring and data collection form before sending the application to YECHS. Applicants will then need to complete the Release of Information form (located below) and provide that to two (2) teachers they select to complete recommendations. If the applicant is a current Yadkin County Schools student they may provide their chosen teachers the link to the online teacher recommendation. If the applicant is outside of Yadkin County Schools, please print the paper copy located below.
After all applications are reviewed by the YECHS review committee and the selection is complete, candidates will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance for enrollment status.
Send the completed application to your middle school counselor or if you are home-schooled you may mail to Yadkin Early College High School at the following address:
PO Box 360
1001 College Drive
Yadkinville, NC 27055
You may also scan and email the application to Cynthia Butcher
Applications and other information will be active on January 8. Click the links below.
YEC Application for 2025-2026 Academic Year (available January 8)
Online Teacher recommendation form for YCS teachers . Student applicants should share this link with the teachers chosen to complete teacher recommendations for them.
Please use the online version if possible. If you are unable to use the online application, paper versions (.pdf format) are located below.
YEC Student Application 2025-2026 (download the form, complete info and return to YEC)
Release of Information (download the form, complete info and return to YEC)
YEC Teacher Recommendation Form (Paper version for teachers outside of YCS)